Supported engine managements: HP-Tuners and Diablo Sport (CMR)
This service will provide you with the standard RIPP supercharged tune that comes with the RIPP supercharger kits. Please note: this is ONLY a tune file for your supercharged vehicle, and will not come with any technical tuning support, diagnostic help, data logging review or tuning adjustment service.
If you are not familiar with loading files to your vehicle with Diablo Sport or HP-Tuners devices please have a trained professional help you with the process. If you require technical support / tuning guidance / diagnostic help / data logging review, services please see product: Tuning Service.
PLEASE NOTE: If there is an issue with your actual tuning device please contact the manufacturer of that device directly. We cannot provide any tuning services if your device isn't functioning properly.
This service does not provide tuning credits or licenses
Note: This is not "remote tuning", "fine tuning", "custom tuning" or "dyno tuning"
No warranty provided
* RIPP Superchargers is not responsible for any vehicle or what a customer will do with their vehicle, at any time.
After placing your purchase please fill out the following email template and send it to Type the subject line as follows:
Order Number, Your First and Last Name, Base Map Service
example: 25527, John Smith, Base Map Service
email body -
Order Number:
Vehicle Year, Make, Model:
VIN Number:
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